Our Story
It was February 2020, when a mutual friend of ours introduced us online. Helena was interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). George was looking for players for a new game, so we called and discussed the possibility of her joining the game. After some time we started messaging each other outside of D&D.
At this time, we were developing a friendship. Months went by of us messaging back and forth and as we had both been going through a number of very difficult situations, we found solace with one another. We then began calling via Discord, often many hours and late into the night.
After months of messaging and calling, feelings blossomed in our hearts and we agreed to level up our friendship into a romantic relationship - despite the fact that Helena was living near Cologne in Germany and George was in Brighton, UK, not to mention the worldwide pandemic.

On the 1st of September 2021, Helena came to visit George in Brighton for the first time. This meeting was life-changing and many more visits would follow.

Since then George and Helena have been visiting each other's homes and families, but visiting was not enough. George asked Helena for her hand in marriage and she said Yes. Upon which our battle for a visa began.

In February 2024 Helena was finally able to move in with George on a fiancee visa.
We are both looking forward to making this situation permanent and building our future together.
We are both looking forward to making this situation permanent and building our future together.